Puente Avenue
Grade Separation Project
City of Industry and Los Angeles County
Project Description
ACE constructed a four-lane roadway underpass on Puente Avenue with a railroad bridge to carry freight trains over Puente Avenue, a separate bridge for Valley Boulevard traffic and a loop connector road to re-establish the connection between Puente Avenue/Workman Mill Road and Valley Bouelvard.
Project Status
Major construction activities began in June 2015 with the closure of Puente Avenue for underpass and bridge construction. Puente Avenue re-opened to traffic in April 2018. The cost of this project was $95.7 million.
Project Benefits
The project eliminates the potential for train-vehicle collisions and delays for emergency responders and reduces emissions, locomotive horn and crossing gate noise. Five collisions have been recorded at the Puente Avenue crossing over a recent 10-year period, with one bicyclist killed and two pedestrians and one motorist injured. By 2025, rail traffic at the crossing is projected to more than double from 20 trains to 42 trains per day, delaying a projected 33,196 daily vehicles. The project created 545 construction jobs.
Project Photos
Please see below for the highlights of the Puente Avenue Grade Separation Project.

For more project information, please call the Project Helpline at (888) ACE-1426.