Brea Canyon Road
Grade Separation Project
Cities of Diamond Bar and Industry
Project Description
The Brea Canyon Road Grade Separation Project eliminates traffic delays at the train tracks and potential collisions with trains by routing trains on a railroad bridge and vehicles on a roadway underpass. Brea Canyon Road was lowered as were Washington Street and Currier Road at their intersection with Brea Canyon Road. The new road passes below the railroad tracks and includes pedestrian and motorist safety improvements, walkways, and landscaping.
Project Benefits
Construction of the $73.9 million project began in July 2006 and was re-opened to traffic on October 31, 2008. The project:
Eliminates the railroad crossing at Brea Canyon Road
Eliminates the dangers of collisions between trains and vehicles and traffic snarls for motorists on Brea Canyon Road
Reduces pollution caused by idling cars and trucks
Eliminates train horns and crossing alarms with removal of the grade crossing
Improves property values in the area
Subcontracted approximately 9% of project construction budget to disadvantaged businesses
Employed 1,229 construction workers
Distributed 16,339 ACE student safety program kits at eight schools in the area
Had 0 days lost due to injuries
Brea Canyon Road Grade Separation Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (February 20, 2009)
Please see below for the highlights of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

For more project information, please call the Project Helpline at (888) ACE-1426.